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Arms of Auster

The Arms of Auster are the official military of the Republic of Auster. It is comprised of a terrestrial force, a naval force, and a small-but-elite force of magic users.  


As of 126 LE, the Arms of Auster are led by Stadtholder Rumi Volders, the Austerian Stadtholder of Defense. There are three branches of the military: a terrestrial force, a naval force, and a small force of magic users which ranges from three to ten spellcasters. It is believed to have the second-most powerful navy on Eloqua, falling short of the strength of their rivals in the Kingdom of Luria.  


Military membership in Auster is a requirement for any able-bodied Austerian between the ages of 20 and 35. Only five of these fifteen years are required to be spent in active service (typically as a training period in the early years of service), but all members are expected to maintain a level of mental and physical capability which would allow them to defend their nation at a moment's notice should war break out. Still, there are a number of officers who have continued their military service beyond the mandatory timespan, making something a career out of it.  


Founding of Auster

When the late Emperor Auster von Oberst founded the Empire of Auster at the start of the Age of New Light, he drafted many of the rebels who had helped to defeat the Psionic Scourge into the first troops of the Arms of Auster. Over the course of his rule, von Oberst established the military service requirements which still hold today.

General Information

Type: Military
Base: Arms of Auster Barracks
Goals: Defend the republic from foreign threats


Total Members: ~36,000 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:
  • Stadtholder Rumi Volders (Leader)


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of the Republic of Auster are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of German, Dutch, Danish and words from Germanic languages used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Austerians.


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