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Eloqua ( /eːloːkʰwaː/) is one of the three major continents of Thesilae. It is the furthest north, and lies east of the neighboring continent of Maedris.  


Eloqua has a wide variety of climates and geologic formation, from vast mountain ranges to deep canyons to long stretches of rocky coast.   The Vassalier Ocean lies south of the continent, fed by various rivers and channels from Eloqua.  

Allairan Woods

The Allairan Woods are a massive, mixed forest of deciduous and coniferous trees, located in the center of the continent and extending into the Chaundethune Mountains. They are solidly within the territories of the Kingdom of Luria, and provide a great deal of the nation's lumber.  

Ammestino Coast

The Ammestino Coast lies in the northern reach of Eloqua, beyond the Chaundethune Mountains. The entire coastline falls into the territory of the Kingdom of Coraway, a seafaring society that relies on the blessings of the ocean for its survival.  

Baleine Bay

Baleine Bay is located in southern Tor-Valice, and is where the nation's prolific whaling industry gets most of its goods.  

Blind Man's Bluffs

Blind Man's Bluffs are a steep stretch of coast on the eastern edge of Eloqua. They overlook monster-infested waters, said to be cursed by Hylkor to bring about the deaths of any foolish mortal who sails into them.  

Chaiverrine Bay

Chaiverrine Bay is one of the two large bays which flank the lands of Tor-Valice. It is is located on the nation's western shore.  

Chaundethune Mountains

The Chaundethune Mountains begin in the Damisman Tundra at the very tip of northern Eloqua and end where the Ammestino Coast bends inwards at the center of the continent. Travel over the mountains is trecherous, both due to the harsh weather and the flesh-hungry wildlife which call their jagged peaks home.  

Crimsonblaze Thicket

Crimsonblaze Thicket is a massive, mostly deciduous forest named for the vibrant red coloration its leaves take on in the autumn. It grows south of the Chaundethune Mountains, where the bulk of the continent meets the neck of the Varenmont Peninsula.  

Damisman Tundra

The Damisman Tundra is a snow-covered region in the far north of Eloqua. Daylight here is sparse, nightfall lasting for several calendar days at a time. Near-constant blizzards and an abundance permafrost make the tundra among the most difficult regions of Eloqua to live, though it is by no means a frozen waste year-round.  

Havenmyth Wilds

An expanse of relatively flat grasslands which dominate the eastern portion of Eloqua, surrounding Louvain Gorge. The Wilds are populated by the city-states of Tor-Valice.  

Louvain Gorge

The Louvain Gorge is a canyon on the eastern side of Eloqua, located in the south-center of the Havenmyth Wilds. It is considered a sacred place by several cultures in Tor-Valice.  

Montelaire Abyss

The second of the two large bays which flank Tor-Valice, Montelaire Abyss is located on that nation's north-west shore, separating it from the Kingdom of Coraway.  

Rosenfall Woods

Rosenfall Woods are a stretch of coniferous forest on the northern side of the Wulsbahn Mountains.  

Santurine Lowlands

Stretching from the foot of the Chaundethune Mountains to Varenmont Bay in the south and the foot of the Wulsbahn Mountains in the west, the Santurine Lowlands are dominated by agricultural land used for both farming and ranching. It is where a majority of the populations of both the Republic of Auster and the Kingdom of Luria live.  

Varenmont Bay

Located south of the Santurine Valley, Varenmont Bay is a small coastal region tucked in near the center of Eloqua.  

Varenmont Peninsula

Varenmont Peninsula is arm of the continent which sticks out from southern Luria and reachs into Varenmont Bay (hence its name).  

Virsat Narrows

The Virsat Narrows are a fjord on Auster's northern coast, which the Briswen River flows into. They are also where the republic does most of its sea-based trading.  

Wulsbahn Mountains

The Wulsbahn Mountains are a relatively small range in western Eloqua, ruled by the Republic of Auster. They are known for their abundance of rare minerals and valuable gemstones, but are rumored to be infested with scourge-born monsters.  



The total population of Eloqua is roughly 3.5 million (accounting for regions where exact demographic records are not kept).  


Republic of Auster

Formerly the Grand Monarchy of Auster, the Republic of Auster replaced their royal family with the Iron Council in 11 LE. The members of the council are selected from within the ranks of the nobility, with elections being held every 11 years, in honor of the late Emperor Auster von Oberst.  

Kingdom of Coraway

A coastal nation bordered by the Ammestino Coast on one side and the Chaundethune Mountains on the other. The Kingdom of Coraway is ruled by its wealthiest citizens, who established themselves during the Discordant Rebellions.  

Kingdom of Luria

The largest of the nations of Eloqua, the Kingdom of Luria keeps a tight grip on its territories. It has been at odds with the Republic of Auster for generations, each nation contesting the precise location of their shared border. Official Lurian maps place said border along the Camellia River.  


Covering the eastern portion of the continent is Tor-Valice, a confederation of independent city-states brought together under the banner of the Grand Tsar. Their offical capital, Zidovia, is located on a plateau between the mythic Lake of Lost Dreams and the Louvain Gorge.  


Which cultures exist here?  


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive Psionic Scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, thus marking the start of the modern era: the Age of New Light.

General Information

Full Name: Eloqua
  • Mountains
  • Highlands
  • Forests
  • Tundra
  • Plains

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Points of Interest:

Societal Information

Demonym: Eloquan
Population: Est. 3.5 million (as of 126 LE)

Articles under Eloqua


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