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Republic of Auster

The Republic of Auster, simply called Auster by most people, is one of four nations on the continent of Eloqua. It was established after the defeat of the Psionic Scourge, shortly after the Age of New Light began. The ruling council is elected by the nobility.



Damisman Tundra

The Damisman Tundra is a snow-covered region in the far north of Eloqua. Daylight here is sparse, nightfall lasting for several calendar days at a time. Near-constant blizzards and an abundance permafrost make the tundra among the most difficult regions of Eloqua to live, though it is by no means a frozen waste year-round.

Frosted Isles

The Frosted Isles are a set of large islands off the coast of the Damisman Tundra. They have been claimed as territories by the Republic of Auster, though they have only just begun to be explored.

Rosenfall Woods

Rosenfall Woods are a stretch of coniferous forest on the northern side of the Wulsbahn Mountains.

Santurine Lowlands

Stretching from the foot of the Chaundethune Mountains to Varenmont Bay in the east and the foot of the Wulsbahn Mountains in the west, the Santurine Lowlands are dominated by agricultural land used for both farming and ranching. It is where a majority of the populations of both the Republic of Auster and the Kingdom of Luria live.

Virsat Narrows

The Virsat Narrows are a fjord on Auster's northern coast, which the Briswen River flows into. They are also where the republic does most of its sea-based trading.

Wulsbahn Mountains

The Wulsbahn Mountains are a relatively small range in western Eloqua, ruled by the Republic of Auster. They are known for their abundance of rare minerals and valuable gemstones, but are rumored to be infested with scourge-born monsters.


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive psionic scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, including the Republic of Auster (then known as the Empire of Auster). This marked the start of the modern era, the Age of New Light.

Founding of the Republic

For the first decade of its existance, Auster was ruled as an absolute monarchy by its founding emperor, Auster von Oberst (for whom the nation is named). However, when von Oberst suddenly passed away in 11 LE, there was no named heir to take his position. Rather than appoint a new emperor, von Oberst's council of advisors transitioned the nation from an absolute monarchy into a republic, making themselves the new rulers of the land. Every eleven years, an election is held in Penrath (the capital city of Auster) to determine who will remain on the council and who will be replaced.


Bits and bobs, card games, festivals, etc.


The Iron Council

After the sudden death of then-Emperor Auster von Oberst in 11 LE, the emperor's council of advisors opted to take over the rule of the nation instead of appointing a new sovereign. This marked the creation of the first Iron Council, which has governed Auster ever since. Today, the Council is elected by the nobles of Auster. Members are elected (or re-elected) once every eleven years, in honor of the late emperor.

Law Enforcement

The Talons

The Talons are the official guards for all of Auster. They have divisions in every major city, and smaller forces which patrol towns and villages, and the roads between them.


The Arms of Auster are composed of three branches: terrestrial forces, naval forces, and their small but elite force of magic users.

General Information

Full Name: Republic of Auster
Also Known As: Auster
Type: Oligarchy
Established: 11 LE
Head of State: The Iron Council
Military: Arms of Auster

Location Information

Plane: Material Plane
Continent: Eloqua
Capital: Penrath

Societal Information

Demonym: Austerians
Population: 887,564 (as of 126 LE)

Note: The titles and names of the Republic of Auster are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of German, Dutch, Danish and words from Germanic languages used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Austerians.

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