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The Iron Council

The Iron Council is the governing body of the Republic of Auster. It was established after the sudden death of the nation's founder, Emperor Auster von Oberst in 11 LE, and is comprised of seven officials elected from the ranks of Auster's nobility.  


Members of the Iron Council, called Stadtholder, are chosen via election every eleven years (in honor of the eleven years which the late Emperor Auster von Oberst ruled before his death). This is accomplished during a meeting of Auster's nine Dux, who serve as representatives for the citizens who live within their duchies. The seven seats of the Iron Council are:
  • Progress: Oversees the development and maintenance of infrastructure across Auster; Particularly focuses on the major cities, such as Penrath.
  • Coin and Commerce: Maintains both the national economy and Penrath's local economy. Also manages the nation's treasurey and determines the allocation of national funds.
  • Defense: Head of the Republic's military, the Arms of Auster. The Stadtholder of Defense's first responsibility is to prevent war, and only directs warfare in the event it is unavoidable.
  • Law: Oversees the application and enforcement of the law. Also serves as the leader of Auster's law enforcement, the Talons, and as the High Sędzia of the Courts.
  • Diplomacy: Publically, maintains diplomatic relations between Auster and the various mortal nations of Thesilae. Also oversees a semi-secret network of spies and informants.
  • Religion: Head of the Republic's various religious organizations. Oversees the use of divine powers across Auster.
  • Lore: Manages the academic institutions of Auster and directs archaeological expeditions to re-discover the lost history of Thesilae.

Known Members

126 LE

  • Stadtholder of Progress:Venge Brouwer
  • Stadtholder of Coin and Commerce:Asvriek Bastien
  • Stadtholder of Defense: Rumi Volders
  • Stadtholder of Law: Joachim Dawnscar
  • Stadtholder of Diplomacy:Isobel Drammer
  • Stadtholder of Religion: Caewyn Velthestrie
  • Stadtholder of Lore: Zular Rosek


Rise and Fall of the Empire

Auster was first founded by the late Auster von Oberst in 1 LE. At that time, von Oberst took the role of emperor, and ruled over the nation as an absolute monarch with a council of advisors backing him. Upon his death in 11 LE, this council of advisors was left to determine who would rule, as von Oberst had not named an heir. Instead of selecting a new monarch, the council dismantled the empire and replaced it with a republic, ruled by themselves as the newly formed Iron Council.

General Information

Type: Governing body
Founded: 11 LE
Base: Valkenkreit Castle
Govern the Republic of Auster


Total Members: Seven
Notable Members:
  • Asvriek Bastien
  • Caewyn Velthestrie
  • Isobel Drammer
  • Joachim Dawnscar
  • Rumi Volders
  • Venge Brouwer
  • Zular Rosek


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of the Republic of Auster are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of German, Dutch, Danish and words from Germanic languages used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Austerians.


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