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Rhegar Empire

The Rhegar Empire is the sole nation on the contient of Suyia, having absorbed most of the fledgeling nations which have cropped up over the past century before they could properly establish themselves. Its official founding date is 1 LE, though its proudest citizens claim that the Empire has existed since before the Psionic Scourge was routed from Thesilae. Such claims remain unconfirmed.  


Cheisanori Forest

Cheisanori Forest is a small (relative to its neighbor, the Hanosa Woodland) mixed forest of of both broadleaf and confirous trees on the eastern side of the Komeri Highlands. Its canopy glows with ambient Ether, making it visible from quite far away even in the dead of night.  

Daapō-Nami Bay

Daapō-Nami Bay is the southernmost bay on the western coast of Suyia, which the Hae'xin River flows into.  

Hailanbao Sea

The Hailanbao Sea is a brackish inland sea which dominates the western portion of the desert. A network of lively coastal cities and towns has grown up in the surrounding fertile regions.  

Hanosa Woodland

The largest forest in the world, the Hanosa Woodland covers a vast expanse of the Rhegar Empire, stretches into the heights of the Komeri Highlands, and rolls well into the untamed wilds of southern Suyia. Its flora and fauna is incredibly diverse, shifting and changing as one travels through it.  

Huang Xiágu

The longest canyon in all of Thesilae. Huang Xiágu cuts through the massive Tarusabi Desert, in northern Suyia. Traversing the canyon is exceedingly dangerous due to the warring bands of monsters which live in its craggy walls. It is also known as Phoenixblood Canyon, which is a direct translation of its proper name into common.  

Komeri Highlands

The Komeri Highlands are dominated by a sharp, twisting mountain range which stretches from the eastern edge of Huang Xiágu to the central-southern region of Suyia. The highlands are also home to fertile valleys, rolling hills, and tower karst formations. Much of the Rhegar Empire's territories are within the Komeri Highlands, and its throne is hidden away somewhere among its many peaks.  

Luen Narrows

The Luen Narrows are a smallish bay on the northern point of the east coast of Suyia. It is home to one of the Rhegar Empire's major ports.  

Nídaro Wetlands

A massive range of swampland in north-west Suyia. The Nídaro Wetlands are largely avoided by the locals, reported to be a place of "dark magics" and "otherworldly horrors". The Rhegar Empire has been known to send official expeditions there from time to time, but shockingly few of their members arrive home alive. Those who do are said to have been driven to the brink of insanity.  

Nuen-Lao Bay

Nuen-Lao Bay is long, narrow bay in south-western Suyia. Its name translates to "New-Old", a reference to the new settlements built atop of ancient ruins believed to have their origin in the fallen Empire of Vurus.  

Tarusabi Desert

The Tarusabi Desert in northern Suyia is, according to the Rhegar Empire, "completely devoid of any life whatsoever". The desert's natives would disagree.  


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive Psionic Scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, including the various territories which would eventually be absorbed into the Rhegar Empire. This marked the start of the modern era: the Age of New Light.  


Bits and bobs, card games, festivals, etc.



The Rhegar Empire is ruled by a military junta called the Lao-Tengzhai, a name derived from what remains of the ancient languages of the humans brought to Thesilae by the Scourge. According to its rulers, the name roughly translates into common as Grand Council of Elders. As the name implies, members of the council must be military leaders above a certain age (determined by the ancestry of a prospective member) and who has served as a military leader for at least ten years. Though all of its members are important to the functioning of the Empire, the council itself is led by the Daisho (lit. Great Commander).  

Law Enforcement and Military


The "Sword and Shield" of the Rhegar Empire. The Kenotate serve as both the main guard unit and the nation's military. They are empowered to both prevent and punish crime by whatever means they deem appropriate, so long as they operate within the boundaries of existing laws.

General Information

Full Name: The Rhegar Empire
Also Known As: 
The Empire
Type: Military Dictatorship
Established: 1 LE
Head of State: Daisho
Current Ruler: Xú Xiáng (徐翔)
Military: Kenotate 

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Continent: Suyia
Capital: Meiliang
Neighbors: None

Societal Information

Demonym: Rhegaran
Population: 1,422,189 (as of 126 LE)

Note: The titles and names of the Rhegar Empire are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and sometimes other East Asian words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Rhegarans.

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