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The Talons

The Talons are the peacekeeping and law enforcement organization which protects the Republic of Auster. Their main division is located in the capital city, Penrath.  


The Talons are an armed force which acts as the main law enforcement agency of Auster. They patrol the major cities and main trade routs, investigate crimes, make arrests, and guard the nation's jails.   The standard uniform of the Talons is a set of chain mail worn over the dark, plum purple gambeson. Some members, called shieldbearers, carry large kite shields emblazoned with the same bear passant on Penrath's crest. Their cloaks are lined with white rabbit's fur, and they wear fur-lined gloves.  


The Talons were founded by the late Emperor Auster von Oberst at the start of the Age of New Light. At the time, Auster was still an absolute monarchy, and the Talons followed the orders of the Emperor alone. When the nation became a republic in 11 LE, command of the Talons fell to the new Stadtholder of Law (a position currently held by Stadtholder Joachim Dawnscar).

General Information

Type: Law Enforcement
Base: Vanguard Garrison
Leadership: Stadtholder of Law
Keep the peace across Auster and bring criminals to justice


Total Members: 6100 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:
  • Stadtholder Joachim Dawnscar


Allegiances: Allies: Enemies:

Note: The titles and names of the Republic of Auster are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of German, Dutch, Danish and words from Germanic languages used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Austerians.

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