Caranae Grand Station

A very large precursor station orbiting the Caranae System's star at a very short radius.   The Caranae Grand Station is known to exist due to Hyperion Federation scans of the system. No one knows what it is, but the HF postulated that it might be related to the artifacts in the cores of various planets in the system in some way. They arrived at this conclusion because no other star system has similar stations or planetary core artifacts.   Its inner workings are also unknown. The HF has much difficulty reverse-engineering archaeotech anyway, as many of the accepted laws of physics don't necessarily apply to archaeotech.     Spoiler
(It is a wormhole device leading to an entire pocket dimension. The cores of the planets can be activated by any sentient being that can reach it. After activating a core, it will fabricate a unique device unique to each planet. If one of each device are taken to the Grand Station, the wormhole can be activated. And no i have not made up the pocket universe yet.)
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