Caranae I

A planet in the Caranae System.   Caranae I is argulably the most dangerous planet in the system. However, like all planets in the system, it has a core comprised of archaeotech, giving the world a lot of value. The planet is very hot, and it has a thick, poisonous atmosphere. It is also a newly formed world, and as such contains a lot of radioactive fissile material in its crust and mantle. The radiation adds another hazard on top of the heat. Caranae I also has 2 large moons. These cause large and rapid tidal shifts and causes earthquakes and some lava rivers can rapidly change in height due to this. Caranae I also has a number of precursor defence platforms in orbit around the world. Unlike those orbiting most worlds in the system, they might fire upon any being which decides to attempt to settle on the world.   However, it also has a large amount of useful metal ore in its crust and mantle. This has given it some value outside of the artifact at the core of the world. The heat can also make it easier to refine this, and disassemble it into matter plasma to be used in replicators. Such mining operations have already been proposed in the HF, though they have never managed to settle on the world. The above information was obtained from scanning the world.
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