Deja - Vu

One odd phenomenon is that there can be multiple instances of the same sapient race on different worlds. One such case of this happening is the Tralakar race, which inhabits both Zeta Ounous III and some worlds of the Cobaeus galaxy, despite both of these being in entirely different galaxies and have never interacted with each other at all until very recently - when the HM began launching attacks at the Zeta Ounous system. As the tralakar were there long before the HM though, the possibility of HM seeding is ruled out.   The HSA has given this effect the highly enigmatic name of deja-vu. As another example, Tebburus, Mauray and the Leosus Ring World have never interacted, but Suons are found on both Tebburus and Mauray, and humans on Mauray and the ring world. There are many theories of this effect. One of the most prominent of these being precursor seeding. It is obvious the Xadia Ancients have seeded suons on both Tebburus and Mauray, but this theory fails to explain other cases such as the Tralakar. One other theory may just be sheer coincidence, but that is very rarely accepted for obvious reasons. Other theories suggest they resulted from a common ancestor, who perhaps could travel through space similar to troznux. Some wormholes could have been created, sending DNA of some species through it.   Some more wacky theories, typically inspired by the Ashe Followers, suggest that the universe was created by an all powerful being called a god, and this god could have caused some instances of deja-vu. How crazy would that be?


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