
A sub-species of Troznux sentient spaceborne creature. Floksacle are comparatively small compared to most Troznux, growing to about 1.3 km in length. They are exceptionally fast, easily exceeding speeds of mechanical starships of its size. Their bodies have 5 bio plasma cannons, 3 bio laser weapons and large appendages used to grab (and stab) food nearby. Or a starship.   To manage heat, Floksacle have a number of radiator organs on the exterior of their body that can heat up to several thousand kelvin and allow black body radiation to dissipate the heat. As their laser and plasma cannon organs are quite energy intensive, they produce a lot of heat which makes it even more important to manage waste heat. For propulsion though, they often descend into higher layers of some gas giants to ingest hydrogen which can be compressed in specialised organs and fused by RCS thrusters located in various points. This produces a large force which gives Floksacles the mobility that they are well known for, but if they run out of hydrogen they will likely drift through space to death.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Length
1.3 km


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