
Subspecies of Troznux. Strangely, they have evolved organs that act similarly to Subspatial Starships and hide in higher dimensions. From there they evolved to sneak up on prey and, when close, impale them on large appendages. They dont have any ranged weapons, but can quickly transition between normal space and higher dimensions.   The subspace organs require a lot of energy and can easily exhaust the pelalo. Due to this, the body needs to be able to store a lot of energy in fat and be able to use it rapidly. They digest food rapidly for a large amount of energy access. Propulsion is achieved thorugh several external organs that fuse hydrogen atoms into deuterium and other particles. This radiation is then directed in a single direction which produces a powerful thrust. This does however require a hydrogen supply, which is gained from several hydrogn glands. These are refilled when the creature descends into a gas giant atmosphere and 'drinks' the hydrogen gas. This can also produce a small amount of energy for the body itself.   Pelalo manage heat primarily by heating their own excrement up to very high temperatures. This noticeably reduces the temperature of the body, which allows them to manage heat. They also get a large and very energy intensive organ which can collide particles to create gravitons. These are then refracted through the body with @gravito warp space, and cause the pelalo to achieve superluminal travel.

Basic Information


Pelalos have a large, round body that resembles some species of whale. They dont have a tail however, instead having a large biological thruster. Instead of having fins, they would have various smaller bio thrusters that can pivot in all directions. Pelalo also have several large, tentacle-like appendages that stab their prey. These can reach it in normal space even from higher dimensions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pelalos often leave and enter high dimensions when they undergo reproduction for privacy. Due to this, their bodies expend a very large amount of energy for reproduction. Other than this, they have 2 genders. The fetus grows inside the female's womb until it grows large enough to be born. This takes about 3 months. After being born, they need to be taught how to use their subspace organs to shift into higher dimensions. They will most often learn this after about 10 months. They grow to full size and become mature at about 20 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have 4 large eyes that are capable of zooming in on a target. This allows them to see an object clearly even from long distance. They can also psionically sense objects even from lightyears away due to the large brain size. They have no ears and cannot hear due to the vacuum of space. Due to this, Pelalos can only communicate to teach other with body language or using psionics. The former of which is far more reliable but much more ambiguous.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The pelalo body requires a lot of energy to function when using the subspace organs, but can also store a lot of energy. A large amount of fat is stored near its belly which allows one to dive for an exceptionally long time despite the energy use. They usually eat larger prey that are smaller than themselves. Due to this, a pelalo mouth can open to eat a very large object. It then chews using teeth to break it down further before swallowing. Like most other species, food then reaches the stomach to be broken down more.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Length
4.3 km


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