
Subspecies of Troznux.

Deflu can grow to massive sizes, some of the largest species of Arkan, growing to a massive 8.3 km. They are also known to hold entire symbiotic ecosystems within their bodies similar to how many other organisms have gut bacteria. These ecosystems can be found around the outside of organs and inside the intestine. This trait exists because the Harkas engineered them to be giant colony organisms that constantly see the growth of Arkanian bioships across the galaxy - providing homes to thousands of smaller bioships and housing a lot of Astromoeba.   Deflu achieve propulsion by using several organs around the body which are capable of fusing hydrogen into deuterium and direct that radiation outwards. This is a highly powerful method of movement, but requires the deflu to sometimes approach gas giants to drink hydrogen gas. This will refuel their hydrogen gland that the thrusters take hydrogen from.   To manage heat, they also use this gas as an exhaust. Their body heats up this gas to high temperatures using excess body heat before releasing the gas into space. To achieve FTL travel, one of the largest organs of the body is a particle colldier that produces gravitons. Using Graviton Wave Refraction, they can be focused in a way that warps space and causes the deflu to warp. This is extremely energy intensive due to the sheer size of this organ and the energies required to create gravitons. This is typically used at low power constantly to prevent microbes from reaching the inside and blocking the internal particle rings.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Deflu have 2 sexes. Females make up about 70% of the population, but are usually pregnant if fertile. It takes Deflu much longer to build a fetus. Once they do give birth, the newborn is typically in the 700 - 900 m range.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn Deflu are usually in the 700 - 900 m range. It will take a long time (40 Earth years - 60 years) for them to slowly grow to their full size of approximately 8.3 km at which point, and only then, they become fertile.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to their immense size, they require a lot of food. They typically fed on much smaller organisms such as space krill. Now that they have the technology of the Hyperion Federation, they can simply have replicated food. They now also try to avoid eating anything sapient.

Biological Cycle

Before becomming part of the HF, they would migrate every so often between their feeding areas, consisting of more intense solar radiation and more microbes, and breeding grounds which are much safer for their newborn. As there is no absolute frame of reference in space, (no months, seasons or years) individuals migrate as they need at any time.

Civilization and Culture


Before being discovered by the HF, their population remained stable. There were no significant peaks in Deflu population. Even when they were discovered bythe HF, they still had no technology.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Length
8.3 km
Geographic Distribution


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