GAE Propaganda Center

Propaganda center built on Uukltzatl by the Grand Artanat Empire.  Uukltzatl is located in the Scronala System.   The propaganda center is built underground, so few know of it and it is incredibly difficult to spy on. This propaganda center is responsible for most of the propaganda of the GAE - and because of it, many of the citizens of the GAE may be unaware of the massive injustice of the GAE. Some infantry is also trained here, as well as some less patriotic prisoners. Many who are suspected may become traitors are also sent here. The sheer productive output and size of the center is very large.   Shutting down the propaganda center will have slow but near certain effects on the stability of the GAE as a whole. A number of starships could turn on them if that happens. It is so large, in fact, that it is powered by its own large fusion reactor. This is located near the center in the lower layers of the facility and would be incredibly difficult to reach for any unauthorised personnel...
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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