
Gas giant planet in the Scronala System.   Kakztlat is the largest planet in the system, featuring several asteroid rings and 84 moons. It is the 3rd planet in the system, and as such is quite hot. It has been harvested by the Ukztlakat race since they have achieved proper space travel. It is comprised largely of hydrogen, which, when fused, can produce a lot of energy and is a highly valuable fuel source to the Grand Artanat Empire, allowing them to expand and settle on new planets.   In more current times, several of its moons have been terraformed. The gas giant has a significant population then, and uses space elevators to reach the stars. These moons are also continually mined by the GAE for resources. Kakztlat is also known to have a significant axial tilt. It orbits around its axis, and presents a significant anomaly for those studying the system. It can in some cases also be difficult to traverse this, but the GAE has managed to work around it.
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