
An ice giant planet in the Tiact System, which is owned by the United Nations of Tebburus.   Isat is the furthest and coldest planet from the star.
As Isat is the only ice giant in the system, it was fairly valuable during the Suon - Saelian war. It was one of the few places where one could extract virtually all periodic table elements up to and including oxygen using gas collection stations. These varied significantly in application, such as fabrication of breathable air, water and as fusion reactor fuel. This caused the planet to be under attack multiple times during the battle for the Tiact System during the suon-saelian war. This would be one of the final planets conquered during the war, specifically the 2nd last planet (Tieter was the final planet) due to its sheer value and relative proximity to another suon-occupied planet at the time (Ouliv), but at this time Isat was much further away. Due to the extreme orbital radii, they would orbit very slowly so Isat would not return before the end of the battle.   Isat also became infamous shortly after one particular incident where the Saelian Coalition destroyed one of their gas collection stations before the United Nations of Tebburus could reach it and use it for themselves. This destroyed the collection cable which was shortly deflected and tangled with another nearby station. Both stations moved closer together because of this and crashed, igniting the fuel of both and resulting in large explosions.
Location under
Owning Organization
Semi Major Axis
37.1 AU
Orbit Eccentricity
Orbit Period
2.76×1026 kg
2.13 kg/m3
Planet Radius
3.06×107 m
1.92×108 m


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