Safe House

A large, protective building built in a particularly open cave system of the Newingwich Abyss, Tebburus with a particularly significant megafauna population.   The Safe House is named such because it protects those inside it from the large amounts of megafauna around the area. It has been continually expanded an dupgraded through the ages, starting off with large, single-crewed mega ballistas in armoured turrets, but eventually those were replaced many times until they became large, immensely powerful railguns well into the megavolt range. There would be an issue where killed megafauna or titanic lifeforms can fall onto the Safe House when killed and destroy it, but it was built into a cave wall and reinforced with extremely strong beams that only got stronger as technology progressed. Currently there is also a hardlight barrier shielding it. Though it began as a large construction project, it slowly expanded into an entire town with a population in the millions. Furthermore, it is used as a significant base for the Wildlife Defence Agency.   The inhabitants here considered declaring independance during the Tebburus Unification War, but that idea was quickly discarded when they realized their nation could still attack them so easily despite the megafauna. They were attacked once, but all their defences were designed to repel megafauna so, using equipment that were designed to kill smaller lifeforms that could still threaten suons, they were forced to fight. They managed to hold off surprisingly well due to the defenders advantage but were defeated. The current Safe House, though, has a direct route to the surface on Jeskuar .
Public hall / house
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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