
A flying city constructed during the Tebburus Unification War, on Tebburus. It was - and remains the only - true flying city ever built on a planet. It is kept in the air by energized Aetherium.   The city has a maximum altitude of 200 km, where people start to suffocate due to the thin atmosphere. It typically remains at about 20 km. Although the city is mobile, it is usually kept in a 'default position' on western Tastein. Around this position lies a large collection of traintracks all connecting several nearby towns. The tracks are not used anymore due to the existance of Teleporters, but are kept for historical reasons.   As Takanal is highly mobile, it can be seen around any continent in the world. The population has adapted to the potential changes in temperature (as it moves to and from the equator and planetary poles). They get to experience many views in exotic locatons all over Tebburus.


Mostly Suon populated. As on most HF worlds, most other species of the HF are seen too.


It's floating nature is a defence in and of itself. It is at least 5 km high at all times.  The city has a large amount of mounted weapons in turrets. While these have been decommissioned after the Tebburus Unification War, they are still visible.

Industry & Trade

The most important job is to keep the Aetherium energized, otherwise the whole city will enter freefall for at least 5 km.   The city is kept for historical and cultural reasons, due to it being so important during the Tebburus Unification War, and because it remains as the only true flying city in the THF universe. It is also still populated with many. It also serves as a very powerful mobile fortress in case Tebburus comes under attack once more.


During the Unification War, it has particpated in many battles. It has been captured by various forces over time - even the Saelian Coalition occupied it at one point.  Ultimately, it remains in the sky to this day, making the city itself almost like a museum.

Points of interest

The city has a large airport, which is one of the few ways to get on or off.


The buildings are often tall. The city is primarily densely inhabited with several decorative structures. The whole city is interconnected and will move as one. Around the edges of the city, a quantity of normal houses can be seen. Sometimes they are difficult to acess without flight and are built several metres away from the city itself (while still being connected to the city via very strong supports).
Alternative Name(s)
The Flying City
11 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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