Kevra Habitation

Large space station used for habitation located in the Kevra System.   Kevra Habitation is in orbit around Kevra V, at an extremely high radius. It is largely compartmentalized so that each different species of the dominion live in conditions that closely mimic their homeworld. For example, the module for Traxilax life is mostly filled with water which make it very difficult for other species to live in it.   Kevra Habitation also features a number of turrets as well as starship docks. It orbits Kevra V, which makes it very easy to recover hydrogen fuel from the stations that orbit this gas giant. Due to this, it is often used as a military refuelling dock, although they serve civilian purposes. The station also has a large supply depot allowing it to stay well supplied even during a hypothetical time of siege by blockade. It should be very difficult for most factions to capture Kevra Habitation.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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