Kevra V

The fifth planet in the Kevra System, which is owned by the Alti Dominion.   Kevra V is a very large gas gaint. As the largest planet in the system, it borders on the definition of a brown dwarf star, meaning it is barely capable of fusion but cannot fuse enough hydrogen to emit any visible light. It is hotter and more active than most other gas giants in the galaxy though, making it difficult to harvest. Interestingly, the alti has constructed stations orbiting the gas giant that can generate power from the extreme wind forces on the planet itself, but they have also set up conventional hydrogen gas collection stations in orbit around the planet.   Kevra V also has several large moons making it even more useful to mining companies. Many of these have set up massive mines on these moons to exploit a wide range of metal ore, from common metals such as iron or vanadium to rare metals like gold and iridium. Although there is also a lot of fissile material, these deposits are no longer useful as of the advent of Alti fusion power. This did not stop the Traxilax from extracting them early on in their spacefaring history though, and many of these mines are still seen on the moons today. This adds a somewhat significant radiation risk on some moons, but the risk has been largely reduced after most of the mines were caved-in.
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