Kronath Tower

Large tower located on the Republic of Miasi Homeworld of Eranath.   The Kronath Tower is mostly a cultural symbol from their pre space history, taking up that name after the city it was constructed in. The Kronath Tower is arguably the most famous building on the planet and is a testament to Miasi engineering prowess at that time despite their limited technology. It stretches to almost 1.5 km in height.   There is a global tourism industry which uses this tower as a very popular attraction. It sometimes attracts some from other planets. This industry allows tourists to climb the tower and get a very high view of the megacity. Getting up there is known to be extremely difficult though, similar to climbing a mountain, so the tourism industry also installed a lift.   It was almost destroyed during the Miasi early space age by a powerful tornado, but maintenance efforts have largely kept it strong enough to withstand the storm. Also, it was never directly hit by the tornado itself but instead some strong wind currents just outside the tornado. 2 people were blown off the tower during the disaster and died. The companies made efforts to add larger railings after that.
Parent Location
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