Narlas I

Extremely hot lava planet that lies within the Narlas System, the home system of the Ikagohoh Clan.   Narlas I is primarily used as a mining planet by the Clans, but it is known that survival is difficult on non habitable planet such as this one. The Ikagohoh, despite being a spacefaring race, still have a largely hunter-gatherer culture, but obviously there is no food available on the lava planet. To exploit this world, they were forced to import food, which is notably difficult in Ikagohoh culture. Nevertheless, they managed to construct a large habitat with mining equipment using the materials which they have mined. They export a lot of metal for the rest of the Clan to construct starships out of or various other construction projects.   The planet itself has a high geothermal activity and a thick atmosphere, meaning that it is largely comprised of lava oceans. The habitats are designed to float on the lava of course, but also need be designed to resist being entirely submerged. This can make transport to it rather difficult as it has fewer landing pads.
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