Narlas Mega Bidome

Massive habitation station located in the Narlas System, the home system of the Ikagohoh Clan, orbiting the star at almost 5 AU.   The Narlas Mega Biodome is designed to provide a place for a large number of ikagohoh to hunt and forage food. At such a large orbital radius there is not normally many places to obtain food. The entire area is sealed off and lit using non-natural ultraviolet lights that can surprisingly closely mimic the sunlight, allowing plants to grow. There are also a small number of individuals that live on the station. They work to keep the station in full working order. For example, they would often trade food for hydrogen gas to keep the fusion reactor running. Narlas VIII is one of the most important places where they trade hydrogen, as there are relatively few biodomes located around there.   Due to its importance, the Ikagohoh clan also decided to defend it. There are a unmber of defence platforms that orbit in paths close to the Mega Biodome to protect it from external threats. It also has a few shipyards that can be used by either civilian or military ships, but typically civilian ships during peacetime.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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