Pais System

Star system in the Elanaranis galaxy.   The Pais system's star is a spectral class A giant star. This causes it to emit a very large amount of heat and light, making many of the worlds orbiting it very hot. This has caused most of these worlds to be lava planets despite having several hundred planets in its system. Many of these still have space elevators that are still in active use due to the Grand Artanat Empire lack of Teleporter technology. The number of planet sized bodies increases substantially when the figure of gas giant moons is included. The system does not contain any normally habitable planets.   There is also a regular class M star orbiting it. Both star systems are owned by the GAE faction and the Pais system specifically has proven very useful to the GAE due to the sheer amount of resources present. It also has a lot of stations orbiting the star, built to collect the energy radiated from the star. This is a Dyson swarm. Due to the resources here, many factions are interested in taking them for themselves.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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