Tralais V

Gas giant located in the Tralais System, owned by the Grand Artanat Empire.   Tralais V is the largest planet in the system, though there is a large gap between it and Tralais IV, providing a clear boundary between the inner an outer worlds. Tralais V is relatively cold, as well as the various moons that orbit it. This does not stop various GAE mining organizations from mining these moons, and the hydrogen gas obtained from the gas giant itself. Tralais V also has a large storm on the surface. This storm has existed for millions of years and can be very dangerous to gas giant collection stations which must take hydrogen from the storms if they move under the station.   Tralais V also features a large asteroid belt. Although this is also mined, it contains fewer valuable resources than the planets but the asteroid belt is much safer to mine because of the lack of tectonic events. This belt has also been used to hide a large defence network that is designed to be difficult to detect from long range, and catch an attacking force off guard as they approach. In more current times, after GAE occupation began, the moons have been terraformed despite them being cold. These planets can hold a very large population when combined, which can give the gas giant a large resource output. The defence systems have been upgraded, in case of enemy attack. Although the defenses have not been expanded.
Location under
Owning Organization


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