Tralais VII

A very cold, rocky planet in the Tralais System, owned by the Grand Artanat Empire.   Unlike most planets in the system, Tralais VII is not a gas giant. This makes it less valuable than most other worlds, but it does contain various valuable metals that are used in starships and various buildings. Tralais VIII was mostly undefended, leaving it as a somewhat weak point in the star systems defences. The planet has been core mined as well. Several mining locations were constructed that drilled to the core to take metal from the core of the planet, which is mostly metal.   Tralais VII also has a moon. This was mostly ignored because it contained little of value until it, too, was terraformed. It still has a low population, but the population it does have gives the world some value. In more recent times, the world was terraformed. Although it would normally be too cold for life, the GAE placed a powerful light emitting station in orbit around the world. As this orbits the planet, it warms it up enough for life. As the binary stars are still close enough to be visible, there is a chance that 3 suns could be visible in the sky at once. Once this planet gained a large enough population, the planets defences and productivity have been improved. They built various shipyards orbiting the world, as well as 2 space elevators.
Location under
Owning Organization


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