Phi Tulan System

A large star system in the Aloreus galaxy which is owned by the Sulethis Republic.   The Phi Tulan system is a trinary system between a class F main squence star (Phi Tulan A), neutron star (Phi Tulan B) and a white dwarf (Phi Tulan C). The high diversity of stars present in this system provides the Sulethis Republic with a lot of diverse materials to mine, which makes this system valuable. Furthermore, due to the larger scale of the system a large volume of resources are present as well. A small trace of magnetic monopoles have been found on some planets orbiting Phi Tulan B, the neutron star. Each of the stars (and stellar remnants) are distant enouguh that each get their own system orbiting them, but it is classified a trinary system because they all orbit each other.   Due to the inherit value in this system, the SR has terraformed and colonised 2 worlds orbiting Phi Tulan A, and have constructed a significant defence force around the system. The SR defensive doctrine for this system is more a mobile focused doctrine, so most defence platforms also have engines and they rely mainly on starships. It is thought that Phi Tulan A will undergo a supernova in about 500 thousand years. This isnt a concern for the SR however, as their civilization will either be long gone by then or they will have a lot of time to evacuate the system. Regardless, the SR has managed to increase its lifespan in reality because they perform star lifting on it.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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