
A Planetcraft constructed by the Hyperion Federation in the Aegialus galaxy.   Raladaia was a barren empty world with a radius of 7300 km which would have been almost entirely useless. The HF thus decided to use this planet to build a planetcraft around, disassembling the entire world from the mantle downwards and replacing it with huge antimatter cores, housing for the crew, matter plasma containers and other systems required for plantcraft to operate. Just underneath the crust of the world would be several kilometers of TGX Composite armour - extremely strong to the point where regular planet busting weapons will not destroy one - it would take a very powerful weapon of immense proportions to take it down.   While the surface is uninhabitable, the conditions are very survivable just underneath the armour. The primary armament of Raladaia is designed specifically to destroy enemy planetcraft. It is a very large megastructure that dwarfs a space elevator, that fires immense rods of highly dense material at extremely high velocity, often going through an enemy planetcraft and emerging from the other side, still in high velocity. This weapon is effectively a giant railgun.   It also has a large number of very large engines that provide it with a surprisingly high speed for a starship of such immense size. However, it is still a planetcraft, so battles involving them will take several weeks at best. Smaller forces like regular starships are much faster.   It was built to be a forwards base against HM attacks against this galaxy and to help ward off any attacks that the HM loved to launch so commonly.
Owning Organization
Planet radius - 7 300 000 m Starship length - 14 000 000 m


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