
A Planetcraft constructed by the Hyperion Federation in the Odyros galaxy.   Orogon was built on what was at the time a fully exhausted lava world that had all of its useful material extracted from the crust and mantle. It would appear that the core, too, would be extracted out and replaced with a large shield generator and a huge electromagnet as the HF began construction of the newest planetcraft. Like most planetcraft, Orogon was hollowed out to house a large number of crew members as well as some civilians. A Planck-Dismantlement Beam is used to generate power for the craft and replicators sued to sustain crew with food. Just under the crust of the planet, they installed several kilometers of TGX Composite, which is so strong that most conventional planet destroying weapons would not penetrate it. Although the surface of the planet is uninhabitable, the conditions are survivable under the armour layer.   Its primary weapon was designed to destroy enemy planetcraft, and is similar to an immensely upscaled Oblivion Assault Gun. A massive structure is built on the surface, designed to direct radiation from below into a tight beam at enemy starships. This radiation is generated in the same way most HF photon cannons generate gamma rays. Although the surface has cooled down as it is no longer stationed close to its original parent star, it can heat up significantly in the specific condition of the primary weapon firing. The immense quantity of gamma rays interact with the atmosphere which creates a lot of heat. The craft can easily deal with this using QEN heat vents.   Orogon has only seen action once however when a significant Cypher Dominion planetcraft force (from an invasion during the Hyperquasar Annihilator War) was mostly exterminated by Orogon. Of course, the battle took months to conclude and it ended with Orogon taking heavy damage but surviving the conflict. The rest of the planetcraft were destroyed by a number of Synchrotrons (mounted on Cataclysm - Class Star Annihilators), the Tachyon Cannons of those same starships (and some outside the system) and a huge number of Trinity missiles.
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