T.S. Pastonas

A Boson - Class Destroyer of the Hyperion Federation. T.S. Pastonas became infected by the Reanimation Fungus as an effected Suon was brought on board by accident. The fungus slowly grew on the ship, sustained by the interior lights of the ship.    When it reached a critical mass, it destroyed all Teleporters on the ship and then ate the crew. Now having control of the ship, said ship retreated for the fungus to grow further, fully infecting the ship.   It would then try to spread itself to other HF ships and planets. Therefore, the fungus placed it's own spores into its ammunition to hopefully start more colonies on those ships. Of course, the HF found it eventually. They deployed several Arbalest - Class Subspatial Starships armed with Incineration Plasma Throwers. These got close to T.S. Pastonas and then surfaced simultaneously. They were hit in battle, but the rogue Boson was melted by the very intense heat of the plasma flamethrowers. The ships that were hit were scanned many times. Even showing a singular sign, their Antimatter annihilation cores  were detonated after retreating the crew.


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