Tung'ten Character in THF Universe | World Anvil


Leader of the Republic of Vanadia.   Tung'ten was born a very long time ago; during the year 28 140.   Despite the current year being 44 000, Tung'ten has remained alive because of Organism 841 reversing the aging process of her body. As such, she is highly skilled in a number of areas such as engineering, science, politics and even combat.   Tung'ten is a member of the Margian ethnicity. She grew up in the core of Vanadia as a result and never seen the surface until 28 152 at age 12. This was done by using a Teleporter.   She graduated school at 22 years old and initially strived to be an engineer. She would remain an engineer for about 30 years before switching to a more military oriented career as an infantrywoman. She fought primarily forces of the CD but, although she was hit a number of times, she survived. Eventually she became a platoon leader but decided to switch to a scientific career as an archivist. She continuously cycled between primarily these 3, as well as many other jobs.   Only when she was 1700 years old did she consider to expand her lifetime by using organism 841. This decision left her in a very weak state quite often, so she does not see combat anymore. However, her experience in combat led her into being a more military focused leader, wanting to protect her people, and the Hyperion Federation, from the CD. This was not an experience she would want to have again.
1.7 m
Aligned Organization
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