Republic of Vanadia Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

Republic of Vanadia

The Star Nation representing the Vanadian species of the Hyperion Federation. The Star Nation is named after the homeworld of Vanadia, not the Vanadians as a species.   The Republic of Vanadia has proven quite useful to the HF due to the vanadian's unique engineering. As vanadians see engineering as an art form, most other races that attempt to study their technology simply cannot understand how it works.  This makes reverse-engineering vanadian technology next to impossible for almost anyone except vanadians themselves. Even Yunkads can have trouble reverse enginering their technolgoy.   Due to this, the HF has adopted several vanadian engineering principles into their technology. This is to make recovery of HF technology even more diffcult for factions other than the HF. The vanadians themselves continually add more to it, which makes it ever more difficult for primitive and even major factions to understand. This would prove especially useful after the HEX Mainframe managed to infiltrate the HF archive. Due to this, the HM never was able to understand HF technology and has been unable to replicate the several techprints it took. The Vanadian Republic has been credited with the HM inability to steal HF technology, an event that would have otherwise led to disaster.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Vanadian Republic
Notable Members


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