Zeta Ounous Sacrificial Ritual

Rituals of sacrifice to pay tribute to Zakkahan by the cultists of the Zeta Ounous III Civilization.   In a sacrificial ritual, every member's Zakkahan Icon is checked for signs of damage. If any are found, or if they havent brought their icon, they are killed in the sacrifice. Initially, all members stand in a large circle around a large fire pit. As Zakkahan only accepts souls as tribute according to their religion, they only sacrifice living creatures (they also think that all living creatures have souls rather than only sentient races). Any captured Tralakar are typically sacrificed last.   They perform rituals like this because everyone wants to be spared by Zakkahan's ruthless forces which are bound to remove all life from the planet in days. While they are performing such rituals, though, most individuals come without weapons. This is largely to prove they can trust their lives with Zakkahan (for those who run the events its more to remove defences from those that are chosen to be sacrificed). This makes these groups easier to attack from non-cult individuals, though, so they see it as a large advantage against the cultist forces.It is typically performed at night, when they believe the zakkahan forces can see them more easily.   Gore Spoiler
To perform sacrifices, the selected creature has a massive rod penetrate its entire body, sticking through the ends of both sides, and placed on a device around the fire which holds it above the fire. This resembles some primitive methods of cooking meat based foods, but after death the csacrificed creature is not consumed, instead it is taken off the rod and burned completely in the fire.
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