Avis Flowers

Her Honor, Mayor Avis Flowers

Avis Flowers is the 61-year-old Mayor of the City of Beldoah and is a very successful and wealthy wool merchant. She is a widow and has no children, and has been incredibly generous with her wealth over the decades, helping dozens of families in the city of Beldoah with gifts and donations.   She is also a ruthlessly efficient administrator and has gotten the machinery of government functioning within the city after years and years of corruption and neglect. She has earned the resect and trust of the Baron, Hal am Toricki, with her honesty, efficiency and tenacity over and over again.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avis's father was a hard-working sheppherd that struggled to make ends meet.  Working an entire year, only to have as much as 60% of his profits go to merchants and middle-men, wore poor Avril Flowers right down.  Avis swore to find a way to beat that racket, and did by building a brokerage structured around her father's operation.  In less than two years, Avis had doubled her father's profit margins and started a booming career for herself.   By the time she was 35 years old, Avis was one of the wealthiest women in the country.  Her business, called the Wool House by customers and competitors alike, was earning her in excess of 90,000 guilders a year by allowing her to move the sale of as much as 10,000 tons of wool every season.

Personality Characteristics


Avis has a compassionate streak within her soul that is a mile wide.  She has given away gifts of money, land and opportunities to those in need nearly equal to what she has earned in her business.

Likes & Dislikes

Avis loves helping those in need, and detests waste, corruption and graft.  She has made it her personal goal to eliminate corruption and graft in the government of the Barony and especially in the City of Beldoah.


Contacts & Relations

Her ruthless efficiency has earned her much respect in the Barony, and even beyond.  She has tutored other administrators from cities as far away as Ben Doa and Loman Dur.

Family Ties

Avis was married to another sheppherd named Dimus Driver, but Dimus died only four years after they were married.  They had no children, and Avis never remarried.  Most of her birth family have passed on, so her whole life now is her work, as Mayor and as philanthropist.

Wealth & Financial state

Amazingly rich and terribly generous... a rare combination of traits.
Year of Birth
172 AF 61 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations