Hal am Toricki (tor-riky)

Baron Hal am Toricki (a.k.a. Red Lion, Rusty Rage)

Hal am Toricki is the Baron of Beldoah, an ancient city on the banks of the mighty Caldar River. His family has ruled Beldoah for nearly 300 years, and Hal's family is one of the richest and most influential in the entire kingdom.  Hal is well known as a fighter and as a leader of men in combat.  He is also known for his skill wielding two Elven short swords rather than the more traditional long swords favored by most Imessian soldiers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lean, very athletic.

Body Features

Tall and lean with long, loose flaming red hair

Facial Features

Carrot-red hair hanging loosely past his belt.  Ginger beard covers a narrow face that seems perpetually angry.

Identifying Characteristics

His hair is his most obvious and memorable feature, and is one half of the reason for his nickname.

Specialized Equipment

Renowned for his use of two short, Elven gladius-style swords rather than the more common long sword.  He is deadly efficient with these twin swords.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Fiercely tempered and prone to rages.  His temper is the meaning behind one half of his nickname.


Contacts & Relations

A solid ally of Mak II, Lomain and Dogar. Utterly hated by the Duke of Hekmo.

Family Ties

The Toricki family is one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. An old family that was one of the first marcher barons invested more than 150 years ago, they have garnered millions of guilders over the generations. His aunt Sabine Toricki was the wife of the last High King, and is the mother of the current High King, Max III.  His uncle is Sandor am Toricki, the Lord High Constable of Imesse and a very influential and wealthy man.  Hal detests his uncle and refuses to speak to his aunt.  Both Sandor and Sabine resent the fact that the head of their ancient family name is not part of their circle of influence.


Quite, reserved, but when provoked he is loud and can be violent.  Dangerous in a brawl, deadly in a fight.
Date of Birth
June 1
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations