Battle of Smallford Crossing

The Battle at Smallford Crossing (also called the Battle of Elimar in Imesse) was a large battle of the Cobal-Imesse War of 215 AF that occured about three miles from the city walls of Elimar on the Wool River. It was at this crossing that the retreating Imessian army was slowed at a choke point and attacked by a combined Cobal force of several Regiments of Dragoons and Companies of Rangers and Scouts.   The result of the battle was a new defeat for the army of Hekmo and hundreds more killed and captured by the Cobal forces. The Imessian troops fought hard, however, and significant losses were seen on both sides. About 60% of the Hekmo forces continued south in their running retreat to reach a crossing point on the Caldar River. This battle was especially costly for Hekmo in the number of commanders, leaders and captains he saw fall, and many nobles and seasoned leaders fell that afternoon.
A scene of the village at Smallford Crossing, after the battle
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
September 4, 215 AF
Conflict Result
A costly victory for the Cobal forces harassing the invading Hekmo army.