Boudenna Visirix (boo-dee-nah vis-ir-ix)

Dame Boudenna Visirix (a.k.a. Dame Thorn)

Dame Thorne, an ancient Gnome woman that has lived in her tiny house for longer than 200 years, and she was “old” when the house was first built for her. Dame Thorne is the town’s collective “grandmother” and many locals come to her for advice or counsel. Her most intriguing feature is the plain fact that she (seemingly) never forgets anything. She can remember the name, features, birthdays and death dates of residents of Thorn from a century ago, without fail. A conversation she had with someone 50 years ago, she will recall with utter clarity and complete accuracy. While most of her neighbors call on her to share recipes from 150 years ago (recalled perfectly, every time)… she is a vast resource of knowledge that is virtually untapped on most days.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a full lifetime before the founding of the Kingdom, Boudenna came to Cobal with the first caravans of Dwarves from Gorgomoth in 55 BF with her family of silver and tin smiths. She has lived in the same small cottage in Thorn for more than 200 years, and she was quite old (by Halflings standards) when it was built.   Her many children and grandchildren (and their grandchildren!) have now taken up residence just outside the city walls of Rolar, but 'Denna has chosen to stay in her cottage alone (a rarity for Gnomes of any age).  She is greeted daily by her neighbors and friends, and can often be found sitting on a bench in her small vegetable garden along the roadway.

Intellectual Characteristics

Boudenna has the ability to recall, with nearly perfect clarity and accuracy, anything she has seen, heard or experienced in her life.  She can remember the name, features, birthdays and death dates of residents of Thorn from a century ago, without fail. A conversation she had with someone 50 years ago, she will recall with utter clarity and complete accuracy.


Contacts & Relations

She is much loved amongst the residents of Thorn, whom often fail to appreciate just how rare and valuable her gift of memory and recall actually is.
Date of Birth
December 12
Dimrahl, Gorgomoth
Current Residence
90 lbs
Gnomish religion
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations