
Bugbears, or Goblinus Ursi, are a species of Goblinadae that can be found nearly anywhere other humanoids can live.  They are the largest and strongest of the goblinoid species, aveeraging over 6'6" in height and weighiing more than 250 lbs.  They have large heads with a pronounced snout-like feature and thick, bristly hair covering most of their bodies.  It is these features that give the bugbear its nickname.  However, they are Goblinadae, and are not related to bears in any way.   Bugbears are intelligent creatures, capable of speech and planning.  They are fierce fighters and relish combat for the simple joy of fighting.  They are instinctively prone to fits of intense rage that can make cooperative action in large groups more than a little problematic.  While they are not known to even forge their own steel weapons, whenever they aquire weapons, they are very capable at maintaining those weapons.  Honing a sword's edge or grinding an axe is as easy for them as breathing.

Basic Information


The largest of the Goblinoids, Bugbears stand more than 6'6" tall and weight nearly 300 lbs.  They have large heads with long, pointed ears and their bodies are nearly covered with stiff, bristly fur.  Their faces have a pronounced snout that, along with the thick fur, gives them their nickname.  Like all Goblinadae, they have three fingers and a thumb on each hand and only four clawed toes per foot.

Genetics and Reproduction

Similar to all other goblins, they are prodigious reproducers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young are able to feed themselves at about two years and are considered fully grown at less than 8 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Known to live anywhere otehr humanoids can exist.  They prefer to dwell underground or in stone structures above ground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores that rarely eat flesh cooked and typically shun all forms of plant-based food.  Bugbears seem particularly fond of eating young prey, the younger the better.

Biological Cycle

Bugbears, liike all goblins, do not live very long.  No specimen has been found to live longer than 45 years.


Intelligent creatures though they are, Bugbears are followers more than they are leaders.  Often found as members of other species armies due to their inability to do anything other than follow an order absolutely and without questions.  They are a primary component to almost any multi-species army for this reason.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Superb hearing, strong sense of smell and exceptional eyesight, especially in low light.
A Bugbear shaman from southern Aria.  
A Bugbear warrior from the western regions of Cobal.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Goblinadae Goblinus Ursi