
Hobgoblins are a distinct species of Goblinadae that can be found in all portions of the world.  They are a larger, stronger and (slightly) more intelligent version of goblin than their smaller cousins, the Goblins Deformis.   Hobgoblins are known by experts as Goblinus Troglodytam for their size and fierce fighting ability.  In fact, they can often be mistaken for Orcs or even small Trolls by the uninitiated, but the quickest and surest way to tell the difference is to count their fingers and/or toes.  Hobgobllins, like all Goblinadae, have only four toes on each foot and three fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Basic Information


Large, strong humanoids with a bipedal gait, carnivorous teeth and four phalanges (fingers and toes) on each hand and foot.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females birth (usually) two young with each pregnancy, and each prenancy lasts 35 weeks.  Hobgoblins, like all goblins, are prodigious reproducers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young are able to fend for themselves at two years, and are considered adults at less than 5 years.  Most Hobgoblins seem to live short lives, however, with the oldest known specimen living only to 60 years, and most are not likely to see 50.

Ecology and Habitats

Known to live anywhere other humanoids can live.  Their preferred dwellings are caves, caverns or stone ruins where access to attack is limited and protection is ample.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores that only consume vegetables used during the preperation of their meat dishes.  Known to prefer the flesh of animals or enemies they have killed themselves, and they have no known aversion to consuming the flesh of intelligent creatures such as Humans, Halflings, or Dwarves.


Capable fighters when numbers favor their side of the battle.  Known to cooperate with other races to win battles, especially Orcs and other Goblinoids.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very good sense of smell, keen hearing and exceptional eyesight, especially in low-light conditions.
A Hobgoblin warrior from the Junn Steppe.  
A Hobgoblin war chief from the Gorgomoth Mountains.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Goblinadae Goblinus Troglodytam