
Goblins is a term that refers to a species of Goblinadae usually classed as Goblinadae Goblinus Deformis by experts.  These are a species of goblins that average between 3'1" and 3'8" tall and weigh between 40 and 55 lbs.  They are intelligent humanoid creatures that live in large groups of between 8 and 30 individuals, and these groups can associate with other groups to bring a local population size well into the hundreds of individuals.  Each group is trypically led by the largest and/or strongest individual male with other influential group members including shamans, healers and beast masters.   Groups of goblins, especially those found north of the Caldar River, have been known to catch and tame wolves for the purpose of using them as steeds in hunts and raids.  To this purpose, those groups of goblins have a caste of males known as "beast masters" that catch, raise and train the young wolf pups as steeds for goblin warriors.

Basic Information


Short humanoid creatures, bipedal and intelligent.  All have four phalanges (fingers and toes) instead of five.  All have sharp, pointed carnivorous teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females produce pairs of young after 245 days of gestation.  If a female isn't raising a pair of young, she is probably already pregnant.  Goblins are prodigious reproducers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young are able to feed themselves after two years, and most experts believe adulthood is reached at 5 years.  No known golbin has lived past the age of 50.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins can be found anywhere otehr humanoids are.  They prefer to live in caves, caverns ad stone ruins for the protection provided.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores that only eat vegetables used in the preparation of meat.

Biological Cycle

A short lived species, with the oldest known natural lifespan lasting only 48 years.


Quarrelsome, tempermental creatures with a tendancy to fly into fits of rage or paniced fear without warning.  Known to dislike/fear anything larger than they are, and instictively inclined to follow larger and/or stronger goblins rather thansert themselves.  When hunting or fighting, they utilize ambush tactics whenever possible, and always look to establish overwhelming odds in their favor.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent hearing, good sense of smell, exceptional eyesight, especially in low-light conditions.
A goblin chief of the western desert.  
A goblin warrior of the Nordarak Mountains in Aria.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Goblinadae Goblinus Deformis