City of Loman Dur

Loman Dur is the largest city and the baronial seat of the Barony of Loman Dur. It is ruled by Baron Lomain am Lomanni. It has a population of just under 10,000 people, and is a busy sea port and shipbuilding center.  The city is administered by a Mayor and a Briar is appointed to see to defense and security, and the Harbor is managed by the Harbor Master.


60% Human, 30% Halfling, 8% Gnome and 2% Dwarf.


Loman Dur is the seat of the barony, the Briary of Loman Dur, and a large community in itself.  Because of this, there are three distinct governing bodies:  the Baron, the Briar, and the Mayor.


Two Companies of Foot are stationed within the city walls, and a full Company of Lancers is available to patrol the roads and open approaches to the city from the interior.  There are 4 fully-manned coastal hulks fully armed and ready to defend against attacks from the sea.

Industry & Trade

Seafood and shipbuilding are the largest industries in the city, followed very closely by cargo loading and unloading.  Loam Dur is a busy port, with dozens of ships coming and going every week.


The city's walls are nearly complete, and the four gate towers are all finished and manned at all times.  A new keep is being built close to the harbor, as the current castle (Baron's Keep) is nearly a mile from the water's edge.  Roads are paved, buildings are of stone and brick, roofs are mostly slate or tile.  Two huge breakwaters extend into the sea to increase the available harbor space, and road improvements are ongoing from all the gates of the city.


People have lived and worked at Loman Dur for hundreds of years, but to see the city today, one would think it was brand new.  It is located at the mouth of the rather narrow but deep River Skye, and it is this deep water harbor that gives Loman Dur its advantage.
A view of the harbor at Loman Dur, with the Harbor Keep in the background
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location