Lomain am Lomanni

Duke Lomain am Lomanni

Lomain, Duke of Lorancourt and Baron of Loman Dur, was born the fifth son of a poor knight in the service of Max I on January 29, 196 AF in the Briary of Lomansloth. He reached his present status through the loyal and brave service he has given to both the High King and Mak II his entire life.   Lomain has substantial holdings in both the north and the south. The Duchy of Lorancourt owes a significant tithe and sword tax to the High King, while also owing both tithe and sword tax to Southridge for some holdings in Lorancourt and the Barony of Loman Dur. Lomain has a very good relationship with Mak II, but does not with Max III. He and Turl am Nari detest each other and have actually come to blows against each other in a duel.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lean, very fit.  Long black hair, tied back when fighting or active.

Facial Features

Long, raven-black hair, dark eyes, and a tanned and weathered skin make the Duke an attractive and very wealthy catch for a promising prospective bride.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lomain won significant honors during his service with the Imessian forces that invaded Cobal 18 years ago. He commanded a rear-guard action that gave the retreating main body of the forces time to get across the Caldar River, and even managed to get his last few men out of Cobal with no support from the main force. Lomain's recognition came at the cost of the Duke of Hekmo's reputation, however, and the Duke has never forgotten it.   It was his action during the Caldar crossing that won him his title as Baron of Loman Dur, and subsequent efforts in the two years following further elevated his status to the point that Max II and Mak II gave him the title of Duke of Lorancourt.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lomain's life was saved by an aged Halfling woman during the Caldar crossing, and Lomain was so focused on challenging the Duke of Hekmo, he abandoned his savior and never thanked her or learned her name. He has carried the shame of that encounter his entire life, and has only recently been able to begin to make amends to the Halfling woman.

Personality Characteristics


Lomain knows he has several very powerful and well-connected enemies in Imesse.  He has worked very hard and spent several fortunes to build his new domains with an eye to defense in case these enemies should ever try and take what he has built.


Contacts & Relations

Lomain has many important friends, and many powerful enemies. He has seen himself take a meteoric rise in authority and influence, and is cautious in case his rapid rise should be followed by an ever faster fall.  He has also made a real effort to mentor and aide the upbringing and training of the next generation of leaders by taking as squires many sons of notable familes, including Mark am Maxalli, son of the King of Lesser Imesse.

Family Ties

Fifth son of a poor briar, no extended family to speak of. His only surviving brother is now the Briar of Southridge, Alain am Lomanni.


Alain am Lomanni


Towards Lomain am Lomanni


Lomain am Lomanni


Towards Alain am Lomanni


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duke of Lorancourt, Baron of Loman Dur
39 years
Circumstances of Birth
Born 5th son of poor briar
Alain am Lomanni (Brother)
Current Residence
Druidic Faith
Aligned Organization