Daynmor Commandery

The Daynmor Commandery is one of six fortresses operated by the Order of the Swords of Heaven in the Kingdom of Aria. It is an operational center for the defense of the faith and faithful of the Pantheon of Heaven.   Located in the County of Daynmor on the eastern edge of the Gran Foray (Great Forest in Arian), the Commandery was built and positioned to provide security in the event of an attack from the Nordarak Mountains or from the forest. It was built just over a century ago, and has been in the control of the Order for more than 80 years. In that time, a sizable community has grown within the immediate area of the keep, with a current population of nearly 3,500 souls. The town is called Tourville, or Tower town, but the keep is universally known as the Commandery.   Currently commanded by Arace Marchal, the Commander of the Order's Knights in Daynmor.

Purpose / Function

A stronghold fortress of the Order of the Swords of Heaven intended to provide a defensive position in the region in case of attack.


Limestone walls and towers with blue-tiled roofs built on a slight rise within a narrow valley near the Gran Foray.  Initially designed as a tower house, it was later repurposed as a bailey keep and added to in the decades since.  The inner bailey is quite small, but a larger outer bailey provides for the quartering of more troops and horses in times of need.


A large multi-towered keep, with a stout inner gatehouse. Outer bailey walls are 25' high with round towers.  There are currently 28 Knights assigned to the Commandery, along with squires and servants.  61 men-at-arms and archers are also in residence, bringing the garrison numbers to a total of 110 armed and trained men fighting for the Order.
The Daynmor Commandery keep and gate.
Founding Date
125 AF
Alternative Names
Owning Organization