Dwarven Legions of Gorgomoth

The Dwarven Legions of Gorgomoth are the military arms of the Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth. These six strong and populus cities each maintain an independent military force for their individual and mutual defense. While the titles, ranks and terminology might differ from city to city, the basic structure of the forces are uniformly the same. Invariably, units of these forces are structured around a base unit of 10 soldiers. For example, 10 soldiers constitute a “troop”; 10 troops constitute a company; ten companies make a legion. While the terms may vary from city to city, the structure is basically the same. This makes combined forces between cities and regions a far easier prospect than would otherwise be the case. Each city also maintains a force of non-Dwarven volunteers, known as “Free Companies” that fill roles in the Legion structure not best suited to Dwarves (i.e. Cavalry, Scouts, etc). These Free Companies are commanded by Legion Commanders and Captains, but are made up rank-and-file of human, halfling and gnome volunteers who are equipped and trained regularly by the Legions.


A Troop of Legionaires is typically led by a Sergeant   Ten Troops of Legionaires (one Company) is led by a Captain and a Corporal or Master Sergeant   Ten Companies (a Legion) is led by a Lord Commander of Legions with a Adjutant Commander and a Command Staff of Captains ranks
Military, Armed Forces
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
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