Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth

The Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth are six semi-independent city-states built and governed by Dwarves. They are all located along the Gorgomoth Mountains within the Kingdom of Aria, and do fall under the traditional authority of the King of Aria, but are completely self-sufficient and self-governing in all respects.   The Cities of Gorgomoth are, from west to east:   Hontrim, home of the Clan Silkbeard   Dhoros, home of the Clan Redbeard   Thorahl, home of the Clan Blackbeard   Dimrahl, home of the Clan Longbeard   Gihdun, home of the Clan Broadbeard   Vendural, home of the Clan Forkbeard


Six large, populous cities spread throughout the Gorgomoth Mountains, most actually constructed under the mountains. Each city is ruled and controlled by one of the six Great Clans of Dwarves with each Clan having a single leader with absolute authority over that specific Clan of Dwarves. Over these six Clan/City leaders is the Mountain King that speaks for and governs all Dwarves everywhere.


Dwarves have lived in the Gorgomoth range since time immemorial, and for the last 1,000 years the Great Clans have worked to build safe and prosperous homelands for their people.  These six city states have come to encompass a total population of more than 180,000 souls.  For the vast majority of this period of time, fealty was always given to the King of Aria as overlord of the Dwarven states.  For the last century, however, that tradition of fealty has been seriously eroded.  Tensions between the King of Aria and the Clans of Gorgomoth have never been higher than they are right now.

Demography and Population

The Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth have a total population of more than 182,000 souls.  Most of these are Dwarves, but as many as 30,000 Human, Halfling and Gnome peoples are also loyal and productive members of these societies.


Each City raises and maintains a standing force of Dwarven Legions and various (as necessary) auxillary units used in support roles (cavalry, logistics, artillery, etc.).  Each city has also constructed and maintains vast and intricate defensive structures to protect the cities and their inhabitants.


No official religion is supported by the cities, but the vast majority of Dwarves within them practice the Religion of the Dwarves centered on the worship of Ilmarinen.  All six of the Dwarven Cities maintain small but fully functional and very beautiful Temples to the Pantheon of Heaven for the divine rites of the adherents of the faith that live and work in the region.

Foreign Relations

While these cities are still nominally vassals of the Kingdom of Aria, most do in fact have trade relations with other states and nations beyond what the Kingdom has dictated.  For example, the Clan Blackbeard of Thorahl have had a particularly profitable agreement with the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse for nearly 25 years wherein Thorahl provides material and expertise in building and construction techniques while they receive rare or costly goods from the north that is not typoically available to the rest of the Kingdom of Aria.  Another example are the Broadbeards of Ghidun who have brokered an agreement with the Principality of Fangort and specifically the Prosk'aNara Elves of Silvame and the Gnome-controlled diamond mine at Tor Diamas to buy significant quantities of rare magical components and even rarer diamonds for caravans of unique mineral resources found only in the mines and quarries of Ghidun.  The Kingdom receives only it's flat 10% tax for revenues gained by the Broadbeards from overland trade.

Agriculture & Industry

Each of the six cities has land and territory enough to provide most (if not all) of their agricultural needs.  Outside of the cities themselves are dozens (sometimes hundreds) of square miles of land for farming, pastures for herds, orchards and plantations for fruit and nuts, forests for timber and fuel and rivers, streams and ponds for fish and mussels.  Industries of all sorts can be found both around the mountains and under them.  These include mining, quarrying, foundries, tanneries, kilns, smithies, mills, bakeries, craftmans shops, et al.
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
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