
The Gorgomoth Mountains are a large range of tall mountains that have their beginning in the south-central region of Kingdom of Aria  and march off to the northeast towards the Bay of Solir and northern Fangort .   The Gorgomoth Range extends for more than 240 miles from the north banks of the Arial River to the shores of the Eastern Sea. Its most rugged portions span an area more than 80 miles from north to south, and only a few overland passes are available to people hoping to traverse the range, at least above ground.   There are six great cities located under the mountains of Gorgomoth, built and populated by the six Great Clans of Dwarves almost 1,000 years ago. These six cities have most of their populations living and working under the mountains, but some populations exist near the entrances to these cities, providing much needed food and resources from the valleys, glens and plains immediately around the mountains.


Steep, rugged mountains fronting a deep and verdant river plain to the south and a high prairie expanse to the north.  Many of the mountains reach heights of more than 8,000 feet, and the tallest can top 10,000.  These tall mountains have a visible alpine divide, above which trees do not grow and snow can remain on the ground all year long.


Subtropical mountains with a subarctic climate above the alpine divide.

Fauna & Flora

An abundance of life exists in the Gorgomoth Mountains, including mountain sheep, goats, elk, moose, deer, bears, boars, great cats, bison, aurochs, and even some wandering herds of wild horse and mastodons.  Forests of evergreen, birch and beech cover the foothills and provide food and shelter for a nearly endless supply of small game and wild fowl.  More exotic species such as dragons, wyverns, griffons, owl bears and dire wolves can also be found in the less populated and more remote regions.

Natural Resources

These mountains are full of the wealth of the earth, from iron and copper to gold and precious gems.  fine marbles, sturdy granites, and even coal and natural gas are to be found within the Gorgomoth range.


Dwarves and Gnomes have built homes and communities here for as long as records have been maintained... more than 2,000 years.  The six Great Clans have been in Gorgomoth for at least that long, but it is only in the last 900 years that the six Great Dwarven Cities have been founded and expanded on.  Each has a distinct culture and feel to their communities, but all share a common language and religion, and all share a common sense of comradery and cooperation amongst the communities.
A view of the Gorgomoth Mountains as seen from the south
Alternative Name(s)
Dwarfhome Mountains
Mountain Range
Related Ethnicities