
Dwarves are a race of beings found throughout the world. They are most densely located in the mountains of southern Aria, spread through six distinct regions. Each region is dominated by a particular Clan of dwarves, but small and scattered populations of all clans can be found in any dwarf city or region. Many nations and cities across the world have significant populations of Dwarves.   Dwarves are typically short and stocky, averaging between 4’ and 5’ tall, and weighing 150 lbs. They are very strong, easily comparing to the largest Human examples in strength and stamina. Ages of more than 300 years are not uncommon, and a Dwarf isn’t considered “very old” until they are more than 350 years. They are very comfortable working in and around (and under) the earth, mining, quarrying and exploring the depths of world. All Dwarves can see in the dark for 60’, and no Dwarf is ever “claustrophobic” in caves, caverns or tunnels.   Dwarves are a non-magical race, born with an innate desire and ability to fashion beautiful and useful objects from base materials. They hold a special dedication to upholding the honor of their immediate family and their broader clan affiliations. No slight to kin or clan can go unanswered in their eyes. They are protective of any peoples that are close to them, but they hold a special affection for gnomes, whom they see as “kindred souls”. They have a deep and abiding hatred for orcs and have demonstrated a willingness to go to any lengths to end threats (real or imagined) posed by roving bands of raiding orc hordes.

Basic Information


Dwarves are short, heavily muscled humanoids.  Varying between 4' and 5' and weighing between 140 and 200 lbs, they are comparable to Humans and Elves in weight, but much shorter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves have similar genetics and reproduction rates as Humans.  Typically, they raise families until they reach the ages of around 75 years, at which time they stop getting pregnant.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves grow at a rate similar to Humans, reaching full size and maturity slightly older than human youths.  Adulthood is reached at about 24 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves can live anywhere other races can.  They are most at home living and working underground, however.  They suffer no sense of claustrophobia or nyctophobia, and are culturally and innately able capable of living for extended periods of time without ever seeing the sun or sky.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves eat and drink all of the same foods that Humans do.  They have a genetic ability to process alcohol better than most humans, and they are less prone to growing fat, as their metabolisms run much faster.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Diverse society strucutre with distinct and exclusive roles for each sex.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dwarves are found in all areas of the map.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves can see far better in the dark than typical Humans, without any trouble seeing in bright daylight.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Given name, followed by surname, followed by clan name.

Major Organizations

The largest concentration of Dwarves live in the Arian mountain ranges of Gorgomoth.  There exist there six semi-independent city-states built mostly underground.  Each state is a "homeland" for one of the Great Clans of Dwarves.

Beauty Ideals

Long hair in most cases, strong physique,

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Clan affiliation is paramount in all Dwarven societies. Clan, family, country.  Clan affiliations are reflected in dress, hair and beard styling, mannerisms and accents.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens pumilionis
Around 380 years
Average Height
4'9" for both sexes
Average Weight
165 lbs for males, 145 lbs for females.
Average Physique
Well muscled, broad in chest and shoulder, stout and sturdy.