Clan Broadbeard

Clan Broadbeard is one of the six Great Clans of the Dwarves and is the ruling family of the Dwarven City of Gihdun in the Gorgomoth Mountains. The clan is ruled absolutely by the Clan Chief known as the Baron Broadbeard, or The Broadbeard. The current Baron Broadbeard was previously known as Thom Broadbeard, and has ruled as Baron for 44 years.   The Clan Broadbeard is a large association of Dwarves of various families and tribes all owing allegiance, fealty and service to Clan, both in general and specifically in the incarnation and personification realized in the Clan's chief, Baron Broadbeard.  With a clan population of nearly 30,000 souls, it is a large association stretching in influence and authority over vast areas of the Gorgomoth range and across the world.


The Broadbeard rules absolutely in all matters pertaining to the Clan as a whole.  He is the personification of the entire Broadbeard Clan and the incarnation of the first Broadbeard.  He has appointed many counsellors and administrators to assist him as he manages the day-to-day operations of a major city-state.


The Broadbeards are renowned smiths, with a long and storied history of fabricating wonderous and powerful magical weapons and items of all sorts. Jewelry, swords, shields, armor, amulets, chests, caskets, locks and ornaments of all types are crafted to amazing levels of beauty and functionality. They have a reputation for working with every sort of metal and stone, and their work has proven to stand up to the test of time.   The Broadbeards that are closely related to the Baron Broadbeard are known to display fair to blonde hair, bright blue eyes and rosey complexions.  These are traits not typically known in other clans and families of Dwarves, and makes the Broadbeard leadership easily singled out in a crowd.

Demography and Population

The Clan Broadbeard has a current population of just about 30,000 souls.  24,000 of them live in the city and surrounding areas of Gihdun, but large communities of Broadbeards can be found in other regions, as well.  The County of Aramor has about 2,500 Broadbeards and the City of Soth has more than 1,500.


The Clan rules roughly 1,200 squre miles of the eastern Gorgomoth Mountains.

Foreign Relations

The Clan maintains particularly good relations with the County of Aramor and its Countess, Roslyn Duclos.  They also have profitable trade arrangements with the Principality of Fangort and maintain a community of Dwarves in the City of Soth as master metal and weapons smiths.

Agriculture & Industry

The Clan has nearly a dozen farming villages within its territory that produce very nearly all the food and drink needed by the city and people of Gihdun.  Timber is harvested from the forests; cattle, pigs, sheep and goats are raised and processed for food, wool and leather; fish, eels, mussels and fowl are caught in the rivers; grains, fruit and vegetables are raised and shipped from the valleys and plains.  There are two large and very productive iron mines, a huge copper mine, quarries and clay beds all supplying valuable resources and income to the population.   The Clan Broadbeard is famous for its smithing above all else.  Shops through out the city and the region produce legendary weapons, tools, armor, jewelry and specialty items that are the envy and wonder of much of the world.
A portrait of The Broadbeard
Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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