Ganicus Noctorix

Ganicus Nocturix (a.k.a. Ganny)

Ganicus "Ganny" Nocturnix is a 178-year-old Gnome that has started a family business that collects refuse for a fee.  His large family works with him pushing and pulling many carts and wagons through the streets of Aramor collecting the trash from paying customers.   Like most Gnomes, Ganny is not entirely comfortable interacting with strangers.  He has a tendancy to be quiet, almost shy, but is a friendly enough fellow with those people he knows.  He usually manages the largest wagon as he is the most capable of managing the stubborn mule used to pull the wagon.  To assist him on his rounds each day, he takes his twins sons (the youngest two of seven children) with him on the wagon.   One aspect of Ganny's work that almost everyone overlooks is just how aware he and his family are about the goings-on of the city.  There is almost no event, crisis or celebration that happens that Ganicus isn't fully aware of within just a few short days.  Discarded letters, jewelry lost in a basket of rags, coins left in pockets and purses, and even the gossip of the street are all part of Ganny's daily routine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ganicus comes from a long line of Gnomish healers.  Both his mother and father are locally famous healers living in the city of Rouvers, and his grandfather is one of the senior members of the Royale Corps Medical in Malamor.  Ganicus, while very well versed and even trained in the healing arts, has chosen to leave the family practice to his equally capable and more willing siblings while he follows his own path.


Trained since his earliest years as a healer, he is very capable at potion-making, herbology, magical and medicinal surgery and bone-setting.

Personality Characteristics


Ganny has found a niche in his life wherein he can fulfill a lifelong dream of his:  to build an organization where he (and his family) can provide a service that benefits everyone within the community, without exception.  Ganicus sees the obvious and immediate results of his own efforts every day, and so do his "customers" and the City as a whole.


Family Ties

Ganicus has a devoted and very motivated wife, Gannia, and together they have seven children ranging in age from 110 to 65, and all of them have children of their own now.  The family is very close-nit, and live together in a surprisingly small home just outside the City's Westgate in the Desarbre District.

Wealth & Financial state

Ganny and Gannia have grown quite a personal fortune from their refuse collection.  With route collections bringing in about 14 urcs per month, and unscheduled pick-ups bringing in that much again, their annual income exceeds 340 urcs per year.  In the 49 years he has been at it, he has managed to save more than 14,000 urcs.
Current Location
Current Residence
City of Aramor
Other Affiliations