City of Aramor (ara-more)

Aramor is a large city on the northern shores of the Bay of Aram in the Eastern Sea. It is the seat of the County of Aramor, and the home of the Countess of Aramor, Roslyn Duclos.   The City has a population of more than 28,000 souls, most of which are Human. The city has a busy and prosperous air about it, with the sound of barkers, sellers and livestock constantly singing in the backgorund. There are many fine and functional fountains and springs located throughout the city to provide fresh water to all who desire it. Many places in the city still have significant numbers of tall, mature trees that offer much shade during the summer season.


Most of the residents of Aramor are Human, but there are significant pockets of Halflings as well as smaller but very influential numbers of GnomesDwarves are typically found to be craftsman, smiths and masons and constitute the smallest demographic.


The City is governed by the Countess Roslyn Duclos who has appointed several key administrators to make sure the city is running smoothly all the time.  These appointed positions include a Mayor, a General d'Guarde and a Port Reeve.


The City has a ring of tall towered walls with five large gatehouses that regulate and limit the traffic in and out of the city.  The streets are patrolled routinely by pairs of Garde that are dispatched from many well-built and fully manned gardetour which are watch houses that provide for the local gardes stationed there.  Each gardetour is commanded by a Captain d'Garde with a Sergent-Major.

Industry & Trade

The primary driving industry in Aramor is trade.  Goods, produce and people from all over the County of Aramor and the Kingdom of Aria move through the Harbor every single day of the year.  Caravans from Gorgomoth, Lesser Imesse, and places even further away arive every day, and leave again loaded with new goods and treasure.


Aramor is a well established settlement that has existed for many hundreds of years. In that time, innovations have been made and are regularly maintained, including paved and cobbled streets, tall towered city walls and gates, a very good sewer system that not only removes sewage but also keeps the streets, roads and alleys from flooding during the spring rainy season. There is also a city refuse service, where two pense a week will have all waste, garbage and offal regularly removed in covered wagons.


There are many varied neighborhoods and districts within the city, but the most popular are the Temple District where one can find the institutions of governance and faith; the Basville District, where a very significant amount of business is conducted by visitors and locals alike; the Harbor where hundreds of ships load and unload cargo every week.
  Tavern Square of Aramor, with a view of the Aramor Hall in the background
A view of the Harbor in the morning
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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