Basville District of Aramor

Basville is a busy district of the City of Aramor. Just to the south of the more opulent Temple District, where the Grand Temple and the famous Aramor House are both located, it is an older section of the city with many of the buildings dating back more than a century and some far more. The name means low town in Arian but it is not nearly as bad as that makes it sound. The buildings are old and not very well designed, but all are kept up and full of busy shops and businesses with many productive residents living above, behind or underneath the venues.   At the heart of the neighborhood is the Tavern Square. This is a large but oddly shaped open market that is fronted by several wide cobbled streets, the busiest of these being the Rue d'Argens. Tavern Square is so named because within a few steps of the square are no fewer than 10 very functional inns and taverns. Amongst the more than 100 shops and businesses in the district are many that are quite famous throughout the city. Nearly any commodity or service can be had, bought or let here in Basville.


Many large, rambling buildings repurposed several times over the last 150 years lining wide cobbled streets and narrow flagged alleys.  Most structures are wood framed with slate roofs, with the odd stone building scattered around the neighborhood.


The city watch, known as the Garde, patrol the streets and alleys of Basville day and night, usually in patrols of 2 or 3 watchmen at a time.  Wearing plate cuirass and helm and armed with a longsword and a poleaxe or pike.  They are well known to the locals and much appreciated for the presence and protection.


The district has many well-known inns and taverns and is a popular destination for travellers and traders.  Some of the busiest places are the Red Door Inn, the Kraken's Heart, Bill's House, the Whistler Inn, and Hope's End Inn.   Shops of every kind can be found within the district, but the streets with the most popular shops are the Rue d'Argen and the Rue d'Counte.
A view of Tavern Square at the heart of Basville District
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